FAQ (Frequently Ask Question)

  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
    Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. However, please be aware that depending on the terms and conditions of the subscription. You may not be eligible for a refund for certain services. Automatic subscription renewals begin after the cancellation period ends. Thus, you may be responsible for any recurring fees if the subscription is not canceled.
  • Do you have a free membership?
    Yes, there are some subscription-free services. We offer, such as our Basic Membership, which includes the basic features of our Platform. We also offer a free trial period for our Basic subscription. Not only that, but we also offer some add-on services that are not subscription-only, such as our analytics and automation services. Explore subscription-free services on the website or contact customer support.
  • What if I need help with installation?
    You are having trouble with the installation. It is always a good idea to refer to the documentation or contact customer support for help. There may also be online forums or tutorials that can assist with setting up the product installation. Do not hesitate to ask for help if you need it!
  • How many devices can I connect with my plan?
    Good question! The answer depends on the plan you have with your IPTV service provider. IPTV providers offer packages ranging from one device to twelve devices. Unsure about your IPTV plan? Contact your service provider for a detailed comparison.
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